Nutritional supplements are designed to help the body perform at optimal levels by recovering from exercise at optimal levels. The education of athletes and recreational sports enthusiasts regarding the use of nutritional supplements and their role in physical activity will allow them to make informed decisions and choices. Achieving good health and continued recovery from exercise will aid in reducing injury and improving self-esteem as personal gains are attained. pr2™ is a business that is dedicated to the health and performance of athletes who compete at any level of intensity. The products marketed by pr2™ are designed to promote healthy recovery from any exercise-related function of the body. The primary goal of pr2™ is to give the highest quality supplement available that will promote the body to enhance muscle and joint recovery. The business is based on a blend of nutritional supplements that are supported by several studies as a safe and effective way to enhance recovery. Studies to determine their effectiveness against the competition will enhance the claims of superiority.
pr2™ is based upon the belief that a healthy athlete is one who maintains peak performance through optimal rehydration and recovery. For this reason, pr2™provides recovery programs to athletes, which focus on rehydration and recovery to facilitate positive changes in body physiology and overall improved health.
To provide a venue for the further education of athletes and exercise enthusiasts on nutritional supplements, and others that been proven safe and effective, through time and research, to meet the appropriate needs of a greater populous for muscle recovery in post-surgical, post-exercise, and overtraining applications-thus, advancing performance and recovery. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! |
Daniel L. Dodson Ph.D., A.T.C. Founder
• Doctorate in Health and Human Performance from Oklahoma State University • M.Ed. in Physical Education from Utah State University • B.S. in Health and Physical Education from Utah State University
Experience: • An athletic trainer for 16 years on the collegiate and professional levels.
• He worked with the United States Olympic Committee at the 2004 Summer Games in Athens Greece.
•He has worked as a Head Athletic Trainer for the Harlem Globetrotters, Langston University, and Sky View High School.
• He has also worked as an Assistant Athletic Trainer for the United States Military Academy at West Point, and the San Francisco Giants as a Minor League Athletic Trainer.
• While a student in college, he was an intern with the Indianapolis Colts.
Research: His research has been in the recovery and prevention of overtraining in athletes.
Volunteer Work: He currently volunteers with USA Track and Field and has done other volunteer work with the United States Olympic Committee.